Sunday, September 20, 2015

Talmudic Mention of Radio Waves?

.יומא דף כ: - כא

ת"ר שלש קולות הולכין מסוף העולם ועד סופו ואלו הן קול גלגל חמה וקול המונה של רומי וקול נשמה בשעה שיוצאה מן הגוף וי"א אף לידה ויש אומרים אף רידייא ובעו רבנן רחמי אנשמה בשעה שיוצאה מן הגוף ובטלוה
 Yoma 20b- 21a (Soncino Press Translation)
Our Rabbis taught: There are three sounds going from one end of the world to the other: The sound of the revolution of the sun; the sound of the tumult of Rome, and the sound of the soul as it leaves the body. Some say also the sound of childbirth and some say also the sound of Ridya [radio??]. The Sages prayed for the soul as it leaves the body and achieved the stopping [of that cry].
Avi uMori sometimes quotes this berayta as a suggestion that perhaps the Talmud predicted radio waves 1,700 years before they were formally discovered. He often quotes Bechorot 57b along with it, which may be a prediction of atomic missiles.

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