Sunday, December 31, 2017

Real Jews are brown(ish)

נגעים פרק ב משנה א
רבי ישמעאל אומר, בית ישראל, אני כפרתן--הרי הן כאשכרוע:  לא שחורים ולא לבנים, אלא בינוניים.
Negaim 2:1
Ribbi Yishmael says: The Children of Israel – may I be their atonement (a term of endearment which is still used in Modern Hebrew and is stereotypical to old Sepharadic grandmothers) – they are like boxwood, neither black [like an East African] nor white [like a German], but intermediate.
The nations of the world often struggle to answer the question: Are Jews white? Ribbi Yishmael answered that question for us a long time ago- no. Real Jews are brown(ish).

(Photo source: