Sunday, August 26, 2018

Debunking misconceptions about your own identity

"תוספות בבא מציעא דף קיד ע"א (נמשך בע"ב) ד"ה "מהו שיסדרו בבעל חוב 
וכן נמצא בתשובת גאון שכתב שיש בסדר אליהו רבה שנחלקו עליו יש אומרים שהיה מבני בני בניה של לאה ואמר להם איני אלא מזרעה של רחל וא"כ לא היה כהן וכאן אומר שכהן היה ומסיים התם אמרו לו תן סימן לדבריך אמר להן כך כתוב ביחוסו של בנימין ויערשיה ואליה וזכרי בני ירוחם אמרו לו לא כך אמרת לאותה אלמנה עשי לי משם עוגה קטנה ולך ולבנך תעשה באחרונה ולא כהן אתה פי' לפי שכהן הוא היה רוצה ליטול חלה תחילה אמר להם אותו תינוק משיח בן יוסף היה ורמז רמזתי לעולם שאני בא תחילה

Tosafot Bava Metzia 114a 
[Regarding whether or not Eliyahu HaNavi is a kohen,] it is written from the Geonim that there's a Midrash about Eliyahu HaNavi that goes as follows:
There was a rumor going around the rabbis that Eliyahu HaNavi was a descendant of Leah. 
He appeared to them and told them, "What are you guys talking about? I'm a descendant of Rachel!"
(It is apparent from this Midrash that Eliyahu HaNavi was not a kohen and therefore cannot be an alter ego of Pinehas. However, there are other gemarot that imply that he was in fact a kohen.)
The midrash continues: The rabbis doubted his lineage, and asked him to prove it. 
"I'm actually listed by name in Divre Hayamim among the offspring of Binyamin!" He told them. 
"We don't get it..." the rabbis responded, "didn't you tell the poor widow to give you her first portion of bread because you're a kohen and you were collecting your entitled challah?"
"Nah, that wasn't challah," Eliyahu HaNavi told them. "That was supposed to be symbolic. That widow's child is Mashiach ben Yosef. The first portion of bread was symbolic that when his time comes, I will arrive first to clear the way for him."

One of the most mysterious figures in TaNa"CH is Eliyahu HaNavi. Apparently this mystery dates back to the times of the Midrash, and required Eliyahu HaNavi himself to come by and bust a few misconceptions about his own identity.