Sunday, October 11, 2015

Man's Best Friend

תלמוד ירושלמי מסכת תרומות פרק ח הלכה ג
חד בר נש זמין חד רבן ואייתיב כלבא גביה א"ל ביזיון אנא חייב לך א"ל ר' טיבו אנא משלם ליה שביין עלון לקרתא עאל חד מינהון בעא מינסב איתתי ואכל ביציו

Yerushalmi Terumot 8:3

There once was a man who invited an esteemed Rabbi over to his home. When he was seating his guests, he seated his pet Doberman Pinscher next to the Rabbi.
Appalled, the Rabbi asked, "Do I owe you money or something that you're treating me with such offense?"
"No k'vod harav, you got it all wrong!" the host replied. "I am not trying to show disrespect to you, but rather respect to my dog. Yesterday, there was a kidnapping attempt on my wife, but my dog saved the day by ripping off the thug's testicles!"