Thursday, March 31, 2016

Cleaning for Pesach

People are often surprised at how much less strict the halachot of Pesach are when compared to how Pesach is treated in most homes today. People have accepted upon themselves many stringent customs today, such as peeling all fruits and vegetables before consumption, even though they do not always have a legitimate halachic basis. A"A shares the following story when these customs come up:

A man once arrived at home on Erev Pesach to find his wife blowtorching the doorknobs in the kitchen.
"Why are you blowtorching the doorknobs in the kitcken?!" he asked her. 
"What do you mean? I'm preparing them for Pesach!" she answered.
"You don't need to blowtorch the doorknobs!" he told her. 
"Says who?" she asked.
"The Shulchan Arukh!" he answered. 
"Please!" she retorted. "If we listened to everything it said in that 'Shulchan Arukh' of yours we would practically be eating chametz all Pesach long!" 

1 comment:

  1. Soon they will be selling Kosher for Passover doorknobs
